Advertising, Digital Marketing

The benefits of SEO on website.

The SEO (search engine optimization)  has many benefits on the website and it is important that great consideration of SEO improvement must be in place in order to ensure maximum output in terms of results by website users. A few among many other benefits of SEO are discussed below which I believe if properly considered would help enlightened us better on why SEO should be well managed.
  1. SEO increases brand awareness. Conversions aside, SEO will build your brand equity. In other words, SEO will help people become aware of your brand. Awareness is important because your website visitors may not always be ready to purchase. However, by being aware of your offerings, they may purchase in the near future.
  2. It influences purchasing decisionsSEO significantly influences purchasing decisions. This is because of the developed trust and credibility mentioned in our prior points. Use SEO to improve your conversions by significantly influencing the purchasing decisions of those on the web.
  3. It makes your customers more informed. Your customers are using search engines to research. They use their findings to help them make informed decisions on available options. High SEO rankings allow you to educate potential customers on your website. This indirectly builds trust, but most importantly helps them make an informed decision.
  4. It drives offline sales. Do your customers do research online before visiting your store? Of course, they do! Because most people do their research online, SEO also drives offline sales. This is because they are using search engines to do their research, but may visit your store or make a phone call to actually buy your products. Therefore, SEO is a major contributor to driving offline sales.
  5. It can give smaller businesses an edge over larger companies. If you operate a small business, you may find that it is tough to outspend larger competitors in AdWords. However, an effective SEO strategy may be your way to gain higher rankings. While larger companies rely on advertising, you can rely on a savvy SEO strategy to go in the back door to acquire customers.
  6. It also helps you gain market share. Gain market share by being first. If you are the first option, your customers will never know about the hundreds of alternatives. Unless they scroll to page 10 of Google. However, we know that will not happen. Why? Because 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results.
  7.  SEO drives more organic traffic. One of the best benefits of SEO on a website is that you can drive a huge amount of targeted organic traffic to your website from the popular search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc


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